About Us
Meet the faces behind Healthy Pet Market!

Cheryl Larson
Cheryl has been raising and training giant schnauzers for 25 years. Seventeen of those years have been focused on feeding a raw, biologically appropriate diet to her dogs and cats. She has trained dogs to titles in Canine Good Citizen, obedience, therapy and temperament tests and has enjoyed agility and tracking classes, fostering puppies and rescuing cats. Her specialty is to formulate a plan to help pets regain and maintain long term health through appropriate diet and supplementation. Her experiences have shown her that supporting the body naturally costs less and allows pets to live full and happy lives. Cheryl is certified in holistic animal care, Reiki level II and animal massage. She has also completed coursework in herbalism, homeopathy, aromatherapy and Bach flower essences.

Bryan Schmitt
Bryan is excited to have the opportunity to work with your pets and make your experience at Healthy Pet Market pleasant and valuable! Bryan has had dogs, cats and ducks and has been learning from Cheryl for the past few years as her son-in-law.